Living and working in harmony with nature to inspire a positive future.

Ka mâ mawi wicētohk ēkwa Mā mawi atoskēhk ôma ohci asisky Otē kē miyo nikani.

Nimiyeuwiichayhtoowanan avik la tayr pii la moond naturell poor lii lii taan ki vayan pii nutr zhaanfaan la miyey vii kahkipimatishowuk.

Video: Nature Conservancy of Canada
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The Beaver Hills Biosphere

People and nature - in harmony

A distinct geographic area and resilient landscape in which people work together to contribute to the environmental, social, economic and cultural well being of the Beaver Hills region.

Amiskwaciy wâskahikanihk

Ochi ēkwa Kiyā mēwisinihk Ayisiniwak

Ôma asiskiy ka miýo atoskēhk Aýisiýiniwak māmawi atoskēwak Ka miyo mahcihohk , kanahisinihk ēkwa ka miýo watamohk, ôma amiskwaciy asiskiy.

Li Biosphere dii Beuts di lii Kaastor

Lii zhaan pi li moond naturell daan miyeu wiichayhtoowuk.

Enn riishyoon kischi kaykway kimiyewikonaw. Lii zhaan toot aansaamb atooshkewuk pii kanawayitamwak poor toot li moond daan la riishyoon.

Learn about the Biosphere
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Beaver Hills
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization logo

Connecting people and nature, knowledge and action

The Beaver Hills was designated as a biosphere on March 19, 2016 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This is a global recognition of a collective commitment by the communities within the region to celebrate and advance knowledge, culture, nature and economy together.

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The Beaver Hills was designated as a biosphere on March 19, 2016 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This is a global recognition of a collective commitment by the communities within the region to celebrate and advance knowledge, culture, nature and economy together.

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Kîkinaw Miyonâkwan Kitâskinâw: Our home on this beautiful land

The Beaver Hills Biosphere is located within Treaty 6 territory, a traditional gathering place for diverse Indigenous Nations, including the Plains Cree, Métis, Blackfoot, Saulteaux and Nakoda Sioux peoples, who have deep relationships with this land, and are the original stewards of the Beaver Hills area from time immemorial. These lands are now home to Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples from many Nations. We continue to learn from our relationships with these Nations by living out our responsibilities to them and enriching our vibrant communities together.

Kîkino Kitâskinâw

Amiskwaciy askiy ehayâk anita nikotwâsik tipahamâtowina, kayâsohci mâmawayâwin ohci pâpîtos iyiniwak, asci paskwâwiyiniwak, otipeyimisowak, kaskitewayasit, nahkawîniwak ekwa asinîwipwâtak, môsihtâwak ehisiwâhkohtâki askiy, ekwa nistamiyiniwak wiyawâw ôta. amiskwaciya kayâs ohci pehcinâway. ôhi askiya anohc ewîkicik iyiniwak ekwa ayisiyiniwak pihkwihte ohci etahtoskânesicik. kitâhkamikiskinohamâkosinaw kesiwâhkohmâyâhkik tahtoskânesiwak kesinâkateyihtamâyahkik ekwa ka weyotihki kakayawâyâki kimâmawayâwiniwa.

Li Biosphere dii Beuts di lii Kaastor oota aashtew daan li territwayr di traytii 6, een plaas kaayaash ka kii tootamihk mamawapowuk poor lii zhootoktun ayishiinoowuk: Lii Crii, lii Michif, lii Pyii Nwayr, lii Sootoo, pi lii Syoo. Ooki lii naasyoon miyeu wiichayhtoowuk ooma la tayr oota ashpinayn lii taand kaayaash. Anoosh ooma la tayr oota wiikiwuk poor lii naasyoon zhootoktun ayishiinoowuk pii lii zhann ooshchi toot li naasyoon di moond. Kikoochimiyeuwiichayhtoowanaw avik lii naasyoon ootoktun pi ekishkayhtayahk ooshchi kiwiichayhtoowininaw.

Beaver Hills


There is so much to learn about the history and culture, conservation and development in the biosphere. These are the narratives that tell the stories of the Beaver Hills from past to present.

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An intro to the Biosphere, its location and distinct features. Thanks to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this video.

BHB Episode 1

A Biosphere in Our Own Backyard

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Learn how the knob and kettle terrain of the Beaver Hills formed. Thanks to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this video.

BHB Episode 2

From the Age of Ice to the Age of Forts

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Dominion survey maps reveal the stories of the Beaver Hills. Thanks to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this video.

BHB Episode 3

Setting the Stage

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The story of Métis settlement on Beaverhills Lake in 1880-1890. Thanks to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this video.

BHB Episode 4

Getting Settled

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Exploring early settlement in the Beaver Hills with visits to Golden Ranches, St. Margaret's Church and Cemetery and Gladu Stopping House.

BHB Episode 5

Filling in the Blanks

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In 1894, ten Edmonton professionals founded the Koney Island Sporting Company with a dream to turn Cooking Lake into a recreational hub.

Episode 6

Koney Island

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Edmonton's 1st Sheriff built the first recreational cabin on the shore of Cooking Lake in the 1890s. It takes centre stage in this story.

BHB Episode 7

Spruce Lodge

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Joseph B. Tyrrell, of Badlands dinosaur fame, embarks on a little-known adventure into the Beaver Hills with help from Chief Papaschase.

BHB Episode 8

Tyrrell and Papaschase, Part 1

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Great-great grandchildren of Chief Papaschase and brother Bateau reflect on their ancestors' role in Tyrrell's 1886 Beaver Hills survey.

BHB Episode 9

Tyrrell and Papaschase, Part 2

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Canadian Geological Surveyor Joseph Tyrrell journeys through the Beaver Hills, following a map drawn for him by Chief Papaschase.

BHB Episode 10

Tyrrell and Papaschase, Part 3

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Learn more about the life of Ketchamoot, enigmatic leader of the Beaverhill Lake Stragglers.

BHB Episode 11


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There's no field like Tofield and the snow geese are returning. Celebrate the return of spring at the Tofield Snow Goose Festival.

Snow Goose Promo 1

2024 Snow Goose Festival 1

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Every year they make a pit stop here, in the Beaver Hills. The snow geese are returning! Celebrate their return at the Snow Goose Festival.

Snow Goose Promo 2

2024 Snow Goose Festival 2

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Old Man Winter, enough is enough! The snow geese are returning. Celebrate the spring migration at the Tofield Snow Goose Festival.

Snow Goose Promo 3

2024 Snow Goose Festival 3

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Biospheres are learning places for sustainable development. Together with our partners we actively participate in and support scientific research, academic studies, applied projects and educational opportunities that advance our understanding of the region’s environment, biodiversity, culture and economy.

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Experience the Biosphere

From parks and trails, to recreation areas, historic and cultural sites and wilderness retreats, the Beaver Hills has so much to offer.

Beaver Hills

Share Your Experiences


Together we're showcasing the people, places and experiences the Beaver Hills Biosphere has to offer #beaverhillsbiosphere.

Get Involved

From community science and volunteer stewardship, to land use planning and policy development, numerous opportunities exist for people and organizations to contribute to a shared way of living with nature that builds a future we are proud of.

Opaminikewina ēkwa asiskiy kisēýihtewina, Mihcēt atoskēwina kakiskēýihtēkehk ka mamawi miyo wicēhtohk ēkwa kamamihcisihk.

Aanmaas lii zhaan pii lii zhistwayr mamawapowuk kishkayihtumwuk tawnshii nimiyeuwiichayhtoowanan avik la tayr pii la moond naturell poor l’oneur nutr zhaanfaan pii leu zhaanfaan.

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Beaver Hills