Episodes 1-4 would not have been possible without the generous support of TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
Discover how we can coexist with wildlife in the Beaver Hills and take action to protect this shared space.
An intro to the Biosphere, its location and distinct features. Thanks to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this video.
Learn how the knob and kettle terrain of the Beaver Hills formed. Thanks to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this video.
Dominion survey maps reveal the stories of the Beaver Hills. Thanks to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this video.
The story of Métis settlement on Beaverhills Lake in 1880-1890. Thanks to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this video.
Exploring early settlement in the Beaver Hills with visits to Golden Ranches, St. Margaret's Church and Cemetery and Gladu Stopping House.
In 1894, ten Edmonton professionals founded the Koney Island Sporting Company with a dream to turn Cooking Lake into a recreational hub.
Edmonton's 1st Sheriff built the first recreational cabin on the shore of Cooking Lake in the 1890s. It takes centre stage in this story.
Joseph B. Tyrrell, of Badlands dinosaur fame, embarks on a little-known adventure into the Beaver Hills with help from Chief Papaschase.
Great-great grandchildren of Chief Papaschase and brother Bateau reflect on their ancestors' role in Tyrrell's 1886 Beaver Hills survey.
Canadian Geological Surveyor Joseph Tyrrell journeys through the Beaver Hills, following a map drawn for him by Chief Papaschase.
Learn more about the life of Ketchamoot, enigmatic leader of the Beaverhill Lake Stragglers.
There's no field like Tofield and the snow geese are returning. Celebrate the return of spring at the Tofield Snow Goose Festival.
Every year they make a pit stop here, in the Beaver Hills. The snow geese are returning! Celebrate their return at the Snow Goose Festival.
Old Man Winter, enough is enough! The snow geese are returning. Celebrate the spring migration at the Tofield Snow Goose Festival.
Reconciliation is about truth and dialogue and forming meaningful, respectful and mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous Nations.
Episodes 1-4 would not have been possible without the generous support of TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.